It is Saturday - I am in school at 8a.m. until 3:30p.m. (it was supposed to end at three and I was to yell "UNCLE"). I get home, my sweet baby is sleeping, my husband took her to the zoo and let her play in the big girl play area. Good thing I wasn't there, I would have had a heart attack.
I was sitting in class, through 16 presentations (yuck) and something occurred to me. Really, I have thought about this earlier, but here it is. Now, for those of you that get offended easily, please don't continue to read. The rest of you, here are my thoughts. I at some point will get a tattoo for a nipple. Here is the funny part. When you get lets say...cold, there is only one nipple that will show through the bra or shirt. I guess that is the winking thing going on with the Thing 1. Ok, there you go. That is what I was thinking about today. Also, I was reminded that at one time I knew many of the theorist, and I need to brush up. Maybe flash cards in my spare time. Hey- when I am sitting there for two hours in the chemo chair........
Yep, it is confirmed I start on Nov. 15th and it'll be every other week for 4 rounds of chemo. There was a question of my nodes being positive, the Dr. (love this Doc!) double checked and in fact something about being positive but really is negative. All I care about is that I get the killer meds 4 times not 6! This is funny. My mom came with me to my Dr's appointment. She scheduled to be here on her way to Scottsdale and help me take notes. No, did not record. So, we thought of questions before we went in. One of them was "can I eat grape fruit"? You know all of the hoopla about how it mixes with drugs etc. The Dr. looked at me like is this gal crazy. He smirked and said I was the first one to ask him about that. Do I get a SMART sticker for that (or just a dummy one).
I have to go on Tuesday for this muga thing. It is a nuclear medicine test for heart. All I could re think was those little shots in my nipple before surgery. I don't know. Guess I'll find out. The reason for the test is to get a baseline of my heart. The chemo drugs that I have and then the drugs after that for my Her 2 thing both have side effects of hurting the heart.
I also have to get a shot the day after the chemo to keep my white blood count up, and then get stuck for other tests one week after, then the day before to run tests. Hey, can anyone say OUCH this sucks.
The doc and nurse looked at my veins. They are good she said! Yippee I say. She counted four veins that they can do the chemo. But, if that does not work I get that Pic line. Also sometimes the drugs make those veins hard. Goody. And, I was told that there maybe "pain" when my hair falls out. Double goody. What the hell! Who ordered this special treatment.
Back to the appointment. My mom took notes. Oh, I need to go back to that recording because I found out that there were cancer cells in my blood vessels when they did the pathology report. I don't recall that being told to me. I asked the Dr. to look again to see if he was reading the correct patient! I am sure I was getting on his nerves. See, I'll take back my control when I can get it since I have lost so much of it.
Here is something that happened to me on the way home. I stopped to get my meds for before chemo and during to make sure I don't get nauseated. Hell at this point I am asking about marijuana. because I am so afraid of getting sick! No, I wouldn't do that......I guess these other drugs are awesome. So, I am at Walgreens drive up. I gave him my visa (debit with my pic on it) and my license. The guy said, hey you cut your hair and dyed it. Funny guy I say! He was so super nice, I looked at him, remember I am at the drive up window, does my hair look darker or lighter? Darker he says. Ahhhhhh OK. Well, I tell him, I'll be losing in a few weeks anyhow. Now, I don't know if that was appropriate, but I figured he knew the medication I was getting and for what - so it would all make sense. Note to self, get a new license with short hair because I do look different. I 'll put that on my list after flu shot and before muga test.
Long day, long week. I'll close with this. I walked up to see my advisor with the admin lady from my dept. She has something going on with her, hunched over and uses a cane. I like her, she is in-depth and has a quick tongue. As we walked and talked, she got into the office and said, don't tell me that you are going to make lemonade. Meaning, when life hands you lemons....
Hell no I say, there are days that just suck. And furthermore, you know that saying about "today is a present", well there are days I want to exchange that frickin' present for a better day. On that note my friends, we will talk later.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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