I thought is would be a good day to post my boob. And, the best way to describe why I do this - is that with the people that I know, friends and family, and the 6 degrees of separation - I bet that someone you will know - will want to see the progress. It also is for me to document the days and the weeks. I think my sister said it the best today, time keeps going. Meaning that as bad as it is, it does get better.
After I took a shower today, I tried to see if the last scab which is really stitches would come off. It didn't. So, should I pull it and zip - the Thing 1 falls a part. I did not dare so that! I clipped it with a scissors. I bet another couple of showers and I'll be off. My belly button still looks like the sun. Now that my stomach muscle is getting comfortable in its new home, the swelling is going down and Thing 1 is really a bit smaller than Thing 2. Looks like this summer will be the time to get Thing 2 lifted.
Just in case my friend is asking if the pics are upside down, nope this is correct. Well, this is a big week so I am heading off to bed.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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