Music - it really has never been a big thing to me. You grow up with it - and don't think twice. Until now. For some reason, I love to hear old music that reminds me of something....... I read that music and smells can immediately transport you to a different time. So true. Especially as I listen to my MP3 player, the songs come up in the "random" option. Sometimes I walk across campus and just get engrossed in thoughts - just hearing what I am hearing. So, for a gal that loves to listen to the birds sing, there are times in which I need to get away. Especially when I am cranky. "Music take me away"!
The other night I was up late and veered away from the task at hand onto blogs. I started reading this one by this lady in San Francisco. She was in her mid 50's and had adopted a girl at the age of 50. This lady was talking about her fight with her ovarian cancer. The treatments and the challenges. Then the blog stopped. There was a link to another blog discussing how this gal was doing, then another link to her memorial service. The story sticks with me. Moral of the story, don't read these types of stories late at night when you are tired and worn out. And, have a large box of Kleenex next to you.
So another pondering question. When did Starbucks go back to "skinny" lattes? For the love of God, in the 80's before it was cool, we were calling the coffee drinks skinny in the Northwest. Then, it changed to "non fat" and that became the norm. You know, those damn Batista's will correct you if you say it wrong "I'll have a non fat latte with one splenda" turns into "OK, that is one grande skinny latte with splenda". Tomato or Tomatoe - just make the drink and by the way I AM BAAAACCCKKKKKKKK! Coffee smells good - and it tastes good. Finally. Finally the aroma makes me want to pull out my big mug and pour some Joe. On the other hand, I have an observation to make. Service people are extra nice to me when I topless (without hair or wrap). I think it takes them by surprise and I get a lot of "how ARE you?" The other day, I was in Tuesday Morning and the lady asked me for my license. Then made a comment and we both laughed. She is the first one to say something. Oh come on people - I have no hair and you ask for my license which has my pic from 2 1/2 years ago - 25 pounds heavier and with hair. Jeez.
Speaking of hair. I have been upfront and honest about everything on this blog. Why not, someone has to. I have hair growing back. One more Taxol to get thru - but there is hair activity. Where my kind reader would ask. Not in a place that I want it. Specifically over my lip. What the hell is going on - who in a higher power has a sense of humor. Funny funny funny, I have no hair but when it decides to come back it comes in bad places. Add to the bill, chopped off breast, $15,000, Chemo treatment $4000.00 per each, Blood tests $90.00, lip waxing......priceless. Can't wait for the rest of the fun things that will come up! Does anyone remember those epillady things?
Oh, I forgot, my complaining line. The sores are on my back and on my collar bones this time. Yuck. A few mouth sores. Still have bone pain, hips and femur, and a bit of numbness in my fingers. The stomach is still up and down.
And, I now have a cold. Gosh, can't a gal get a break here!!!! Lets hope it just passes and no major drugs or emergency room needed!
Peace to everyone. Enjoy what surrounds you today. Call a friend and say hi.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
I saw that at Starbucks this week... I guess the skinny is the nonfat and no sugar.. so like if you get a skinny vanilla latte you get get the sugar free vanilla flavoring stuff.
it does make it easier... but I still like to find a way to make the drink that i order complicated.. like the
Green Tea Latte.. but with 3 sweet and lows.. non fat milk and no melon juice..
So, how do you say that,
Green Tea Latte, 3 w&L', skim, no melon....lets come up with a kooky way to say it and then order it - see what the baristas say!!!!!
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