Saturday, February 2, 2008

4 month photos - don't look if you don't want see scars!!!!

I have no idea why this is a hyperlink - I use word to edit and when I copy and paste it comes up with a hyperlink.

Before I start - I know that I have not talked with several people in a while. Just found out this week that my niece will be going to Arizona State - on a full scholarship for soccer. Thought I would share the news and I am so delighted that she'll be close.

I thought that I would post some 4 month pictures just to show how my incisions are healing. Kinda shocking. I think I have said this before, but I have my taxol (the hardcore chemo) every 3 weeks. Then, I have herceptin every week. This is just until I get through my Taxol - I think that will be at the end of March - my second Taxol is this Friday the 8th. The gal that is 3 treatments ahead of me said she got sick after the second one. I think I'll be OK. I have a nasty cold that turned into something of a nasty cough etc. I don't want to get really sick - they gave me antibiotics yesterday - thank heavens! Did I say, that I lost my nose hairs. Did I mention that before? Maybe - I am not going to go back and read - but wouldn't that be a great title for a book. Yes, you do lose nose hairs with Chemo! And, eyelashes. They are so itchy. I'll have to take a pic when I have two left. Just another way to save a few dollars on Mascara. Hell, no razors or mascara for a few more months. Oh - there is a lady that finished her 17th (that is the last one for Herceptin) treatment. She came in on Friday and thought she had one more. Surprise surprise surprise. I felt genuine "good for you" in my heart for her. I also thought - if she can do it I can too. As me next week if my bones say that after the Taxol!!!!

Can we talk about nose dripping just for a moment. I have said it before and will say it again my nose drips for no good reason. Like when I bend over. So, I was at my first "Doc Community" meeting on Friday night - whoopee - what a socialite I am - so I started coughing and had to excuse myself. Got up and yep - you guessed it - a few drops come from my nose. What is a gal to do? I ignored it happened. Kinda like farting in public. Yes, that happens to everyone. And don't deny you just ignore it right? Well, I do anyway. That is what I did last night - just ignored that a few drops came out of my nose. I wonder what the proper etiquette is for nose dripping? Lordy - who would ever have to worry about such a thing? Enough grossness!

Here are some pics - don't look if you don't want to.................................
I deleted my stomach picture for some reason - it is on the hyperlink - so if you want to see it, click above. It comes up BIG - but there is my stomach and sun of a belly button (that sounds funny doesn't it!) What you can't see is that on the left side there is an indent where the stomach muscle should be.

I wore my hair for my infusion on Friday......

Here is a pic that Lilli took of me - I wore my hair last weekend. What the hell - it kept my noggin' warm!
Here is Lilli picture - out we go for some fun wearing my hair.

Here is the thing 1. Still is red and take a look at the knot - your right side my left.
Here is a closer look at the knot and my scar. It is really wild I think!

I am lifting my arm up here - I noticed that it looked strange and thus it does. Not sure - maybe excess skin? Don't know.