My mind has to process things in its own way. So, here is the start - but just a day late. In late July I had a mammogram - then was called back for a follow up because my breasts are "dense". Then, I was informed that there are little things in there and we now needed to do a Core needle biopsy. What the heck!
I walked out of the mammogram hearing biopsy and then shut down. They gave me NOTHING except a sticky note with the date - 7/31/07 and a time, 10:00a.m. So, I looked this up on the Internet and researched what it was going to involve. To be honest, I guess it is no big deal.
On 7/31/07 I went in and had the biopsy. Ouch - the shots hurt, then they stick a huge needle in your boob, click click click, snip snip snip. Oh, it takes at least 1/2 hour for the procedure and you are on your stomach, boob in compression. I felt a bit of burning (after the burning from the numbing stuff) about 3/4 a way through it.
They put those strip things on and then a bandage. I went home and did nothing.
The next week it was very uncomfortable (see the pics).
I went in on 8/2/07 for results. Here we go - Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, High Grade Cribriform and Comendo Type with Periductal Fibrosis and Lobular Cancerization. AND now I find out there was estrogen as well.
What does that mean. Not much. With digital mammograms they found things that are so small that it should be easy to chop off. My understanding is that I am zero on the scale of cancer.
So, over the next month, I'll have a lumpectomy and after that will be radiation.
On August 17th I have set up an appointment with a local surgeon, she only does breast surgery. Here is the thing, my options are very limited here in Albuquerque, so I can go to the University clinic, or private. I am going to start off with private, just because my doc suggested this lady.
As I make my way through this maze (it cannot be any worse than the IVF stuff that I did for years) I'll update.
Here is what I think, it is just crappy timing.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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