So, I went to my new Doc. The office is bright and nice. Dr. Smith came to get me for my appointment. Why, her staff comes in a bit later to accommodate their kids. Isn't that nice. So, I was in her office for about an hour, exam, options, and then scheduling my appointments. When I say options, she is going to leave it to me whether I want my node out. Here is why - there is something about the biopsy where there maybe a slight 20% that they "spread" the cancer. Gosh, I say take that silly thing out and lets call it a day!
So, now I have to do the MRI, ultrasound and blood work. Surgery is for Sept 21st. I am hoping that mom can come down for a day or so to help with Lilli. I am sure I'll be OK, but still.
More later.
Oh, I was thinking, maybe I should do my PhD. dissertation on the perception of the physic ans office vs. reality. Wouldn't that be fun to research. Or, do people even think about that?
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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