Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here is a HUGE card that my sister sent - you open it and it "flushes" all the stress away. Funny!

Can’t a girl catch a break. I am just numb and really can’t figure this out. I am pissed, scared, sad and mad. I can’t go through this again. How can I? I had my follow up mammogram last week and then was called back for more tests yesterday. They did the mammograms and ultrasound. Nothing on the ultrasound but there were calcifications on the mammograms. So, now, an MRI. The one that I was so scared to do last year at this time, here we go again. I am copying some songs for the hour that I am in the tube. I hate this. Now, my celebration nose ring poses an issue – I have to stop to get it out before the MRI. I guess he’ll put something in there to hold it open.

Oh, happy birthday to me. Had a good day, got calls from everyone and enjoyed some cake and presents. My sister topped it off. All I can say is that she has such a creative way and put into words things that I have said, thought and blogged. I cried. And read it again, and cried.

What flashes in my mind is I have a full load of classes to start in a month, I have other things to work on for “me” and of course I have to finish work – get the training done for those people. I can’t go through what I did a year ago. And, if something is up – then – I am for sure not doing ANY reconstructive surgery.

Another “oh” – I was at the Starbucks by work and got a call from my breast surgeon. I don’t think that is a good. She said to see her on Monday to review the results of the MRI. Crap…did I say CRAP! I am tired. Before I imagine this to be more of what this is - I need to just take my minute by minute day by day and then get the results on Monday. Long.....long weekend. Time to turn in.
Peace be with you