It is hard to believe that 4 years ago I was going through my last IVF in Dallas. Seems like more than 4 years ago. My goodness what a change of a life for many many many reasons! I just got in touch with a longtime friend that I have not talked to in years. It really does amaze me how real friends can just pick up where they took off.
We both have been through such a transformation, just about the same time as well. When I step back, that is really strange. As I was telling him, where did we get the guts at time to just keep going, pulling from the bottom of our toes - some how we did it and we are so much better off now. And, to really relish in fact that we are who are today because of the experiences.
It is HOT HOT HOT. Really, I find it pleasant as long as you are in the shade. Since being sick, i like it a bit more being too hot vs too cold. I don't think that I said my Dr. put me on Tamoxifen - I think that is how you spell it. Only because (close your eyes and skip ahead if you don't want to know this) I am pre-menopausal. The real deal is that the concern is that I am more apt to get ovarian cancer now and if I have something in me that is prone to that - there is a large chance it'll happen. Good news is that is most likely not me. It would be a hereditary thing. I need to get a test sometime over the next year or so. One thing or the next - there is always something.
I am pooped. I have tons to do and not enough time. It always is that way it seems. We are heading up to Mom's for a big birthday weekend. Should be fun. It also will be a bit cooler.
Hope all is well.
Peace be with you.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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