The power of a phone call. I got done with work and decided to stop at Albertsons on the way home. Here is what happened about an hour earlier. I called the Dr's office and was told that results will not be in until later in the week. I was pissed. Why - well - the Dr. said that the results would be in today. So, walking on pins and needles - then someone at the office says that - grrr. But, then the phone call comes in while I am in the Cereal Aisle. Freeze. Frozen. Do I answer? Yes - it is someone at the Dr.'s office. the Path report comes back with some medical term that means no cancer. That is all I have to hear. I need to go to her office next week for a follow up - but oh happy day.
The power of our phone. Incredible.
I have been thinking about that gal that died last week. Her son is 4 years old. I thought he was 9 - don't know why. So, I thought that I would do something this weekend that she may have liked to do with her son. Maybe the zoo or such. Lilli and I will do something to celebrate a person that I was very fortunate to know.
I happened on another person that died over the weekend. If you so desire -
The funny thing is that this blog followed the life of a very well know writer, but he really pin pointed many cancer issues. The one is on a roller coaster. Take a listen, powerful stuff!
Going back to what I really think, I have been learning lessons, I need to understand those lessons. I am still getting strong. From the core, strength starts from the core.
It has been a day. I am headed to bed - need to put that sports bra on for the night. 24 hours of wearing - better than the ace bandage for sure.
Overall, I have one thought. A lumpectomy, although I understand is really scary, was nothing like my mastectomy and TRAM. I don't want to say that a lumpectomy is nothing, it is, but holy cow - what a difference. I did make up my mind that if there was cancer in my path report - I was going to have the right boob chopped off. Don't care - take it and I'll put a sharpie smiley face in the nipple area. But, the only thing that I'll need to worry about in the next 6 months is to get my dog ears (from the TRAM) tucked in. I just can't stand them.
OK, enough for now.
Peace be with you and thank you all for your crossed fingers, good thoughts and prayers. Finally, good news.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
I'm so glad you got good news Ali, you deserve it! Thank God you don't have to go through the torture all over again...I know Dave is just starting, but one round of intensive chemo was enough to do him in. He dreads going back in on Monday for round 2, but I tell him he needs to for the boys and me...back to you...I'm so thankful you have good news!
I'm so glad you got good news Ali, you deserve it! Thank God you don't have to go through the torture all over again...I know Dave is just starting, but one round of intensive chemo was enough to do him in. He dreads going back in on Monday for round 2, but I tell him he needs to for the boys and me...back to you...I'm so thankful you have good news!
This is me grinning at your good news ---> :D
Be well.
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