I have uploaded another tea pic - my great friend from HS joined the tea party too!
Do you recall the question about how did your hair fall out. Well, now I can tell you. I have experienced it. How about, how does your hair grow back? Don't know - not sure. I have fuzz - can you see it? I'll try to get a picture each week posted here. Just to see the progress. Then, maybe I'll put it together at the end as a flip book - you know those that you flip with your thumb and it goes (or grows) fast. Do you see, I still have a few eye brows left. Can you believe! And, the few I have left are wacky.
I went to the Dr. last week. Nothing new or exciting. At least no surprises. No more bad chemo. I just have the herceptin left. Not sure how many - but I'll do it every 3 weeks on Friday. Sticking to the morning so I can get it over with and then take a rest afterwards. I also let him know that I get really tired in the afternoon, guess that is normal. And, he said it'll take another 6 months to get back to "normal". The bad thing about feeling good is that I am now free to eat and drink anything. Not good for the waist line nor the "tummy tuck". So, I am going to go to this place, like physical therapy, they will help me get on a plan to not hurt the stomach muscle and not get tired. Who knows, can't hurt.
I have been thinking about givers and takers. I know that I have talked about that earlier, but there are both people in the world. My question, do givers know how to take and then to give back and do takers know how to give and then back to take. Does that make sense? I know that I am a giver - yet- had to take. But I don't want to cross the line to a taker. Oh just thoughts.
Tonight we went to our neighbors house for a BBQ. Late notice, but it was fun. It is great to live in a neighborhood that we can all sit around and have a drink and bite together. It was almost a bite from a dog too! Lilli is the only kid, and the dog just did not know how to handle her. And, I don't like those darn dogs that you just don't know if they are going to snap. Oh well. So, we are the only ones in the area without a dog but we are also the only one with a child. How funny is that.
So happy that the air is now filled with warmth. At least in the afternoons. I can't wait for the summer. Have to say, I like the heat better than being cold. And especially this winter. Bone cold. Speaking of that, I have to bring in the plants tonight. Geez, I am going to plant them one of these days!
A new week. I am happy. Each week that goes by the closer I am to getting down with the semester. Four papers to go, one final exam for stats. I'll be a happy camper! Here is a funny. Just when I think my mind is back, I do something spacey and stupid. I made brownies for the BBQ. I did some kick brownies, even put little chocolate kisses in there, and then 5 minutes later, I realized that I forgot the oil. There it was, sitting in the measuring cup on the counter. Out came the brownies out of the oven, back in the mixing bowl, in went the oil back in went the brownies. They tasted OK. I just have to laugh, where did my brain go! Speaking of going, time to go to sleep.
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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