I went to the Dr. the other day. My gut told me that I needed to investigate something further. My Dr. told me that I was going to get "taxol" before I start my herceptin. That was not in my plan, I thought I was done with chemo.......so I went to a Dr. that helped me when I was so sick last week. She explained everything to me a bit differently and I think I now understand. It sucks, but I have to do this. My tumor was small but aggressive. The cancer was found in the blood vessels - not good. And, my Her2nu was 3 - and that is BAD. Thus, I have to have the herceptin for a year. Before the herceptin, I need taxol. It is chemotherapy and I'll have 4 treatments. Here is the link: http://www.chemocare.com/bio/taxol.asp.
It takes a long time, longer than the other, but the side effects should be not as bad. I elected to do this once every three weeks. So, if I happen to get sick, I'll have two weeks to recoup and do my work. I am doing the treatments on Fridays, with the hope that I"ll be OK by Tuesday. This is not what I want to do but it is what I have to do. So be it!
I have decided that my nose piercing will not happen until I get through this. So hang on - I'll let you know!
I have a great pic of my dad and me. We look the same - bald heads! He was here for a few days and we had a nice visit. We went to a couple of museums and enjoyed the craziness of Lilli's energy. He can attest, coming and visiting is really busy with Lilli. She is always on the go and wants to be part of the action. If not tearing a part her room, she is changing her outfits 10 times a day.
Another week before school starts. My first treatment is next Friday - the 18th - so.....I have to get everything together before I start. Wish me luck that I don't get nauseated!
Nutrition is Key to Cancer Recovery!
1 week ago
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