Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Just thoughts

The antibiotics are now done and I feel like things are cleared up. My nose is still dripping and I need a bucket under it. The weather has been cold, my nose drips when I go from outside to inside I just put a tissue under my nose. After a while it is OK and I can remove the tissue. Geez, if it isn’t one thing it is another. Here are a few funny stories that happened over the last couple of days. I first is about habits. For how many years did I have the habit of getting out of the shower, and part of my routine is to wrap my head in a towel. Now, I have to hold back wrapping a towel around my head – since there is not hair. Just a thought.

The second is something that I have been dealing with all of my life, being a red head. You stand out in a crowd. When in that crowd there is another red head that you come in contact with, there is a weird “I am a red head” too thing. Hard to explain unless you are a red head. Anyhow, the other day I was in a workshop and there was a gal that came in a bit late, she sat next to me. Yep – she was a red head and I had that feeling. The “look – there are two red heads next to each other here”. Then, I had to remember, she does not know I am a red head since I don’t have hair! Oh my goodness, I wanted to share that with this gal, and then seriously, I thought that she was going to think I am crazy. Maybe I am a bit crazy, but I thought it was funny.

The good news is that for the last week I really have felt normal. Tonight is the first time in a really long time that I made a great dinner and ate the whole thing. Would you think that I would be skinny as a rail by now, but I am doing my best to eat things that will help with my immune system. And, the hot chocolate that I am drinking does not help. Tea and hot chocolate are the drinks of choice. Half the reason is because it has been so cold as of late. I guess this is not normal – we had snow the other day. It was nice and did not do anything to the streets. As pretty as it is – brrrrr cold! Speaking of weather, I don’t miss living in the tornado area.

Another full day of feeling good. Then Friday – taxol and a long visit to the infusion room. I bought a couple of audio books, now I have to figure out how to get it on my Mp3 player. I still have to get my homework done for stats but I am proud that all of the equations worked, it took me 6 pages of freehand formulas. Now just to write the outcome. I am sure that I can do that on Friday morning. That way I can relax over the weekend.

Good night.