Friday, November 16, 2007

I am taking no calls at the moment.....

That was yesterday - I did not talk to anyone in the morning. That is me - when it really gets tense - I stop talking.

Yesterday I was really scared. There was no way to mince those words into anything other than that. My chemo appt was at 1p.m. and I took my 1hour before drug. Took a shower and off I went.

As it turned out, I was the only one there. This office is small, there are 5 recliners with IV poles next to them. So, here we go. I had with me: my computer (to grade papers), my new book Eat, Pray, Love (which I gave to my mom to read but I thought that I needed it now so I splurged on a book for myself. You know those gift certificates you get and tuck away for a rainy day - well right now I am in Monsoon type of rains), water, chocolate covered Altoids (I can eat those by the tin - ask me about the morning after....). I was set for my 2-3 hours ordeal.

My Blood Pressure was OK, 115/70 - the more nervous I get the lower it gets - strange - does someone crawl into my subconscious and made me calm down? My O2 was 96 - guess I am breathing. Temp was fine. All a go!

I sat in the chair and told them about my "blown" vein from last week. The used the vein on the top of my hand. The norm "You'll feel a prick" I did. But, not too bad. My nurses are Karen and Chris, or is it Khris, either way they are the same I just need to find out the correct way to write it. They put the anti nausea drugs in first - Karen has to push that in. Then I sat for a while and she came back with the pink "nair". Anyone use nair on your legs. That is what it is doing inside to get out all of the bad and good cells. The nurse gave that analogy and I like it. Karen had to push that through. Did it hurt? No, you know something is going in because it is cold but no hurt. When I IV started wiggling around, I too did the jello wiggle dance. Strange feeling!

I pulled out the chocolate Altoids after the pink stuff. Had a couple. They tasted great. Now this morning. Yuk. I am not going to look at them. As I write this, I pulled out the frozen "Yo Kids" Stonyfield Farm yogurt sticks. I had one last night too. They taste great. I also have my candied ginger next to me.

I came home with a WHOPPER of a headache. I survived the night. Woke up and said - did I drink a bottle of wine or what. Heavy head and headache. So far so good, no barfing. If that does happen it will be today or Saturday. My hope is that it won't happen. I have "just in case" meds and the nurse gave me something else - just in case.

Overall - I am good and peed orange last night and this morning. That pink stuff, and yellow pee equal - orange!!!! They warned me.

Off to get Lilli to the sitter, get my day after shot and I am coming home to take it easy.

Here is Chris in all of his glory.
Here is Karen - the nurse (she got her nose pierced at 50! See....). Got my first chemo done and had pleasant conversation - could you ask for anyone better????
Here is the miss know it all - Chris. She understands.

Here are the top dollar meds. Note to self - I find myself spacey for some reason. Here is proof. I wrote the dates on them and the third one is on 11/17/07. Yikes I need to change that!

Here is my arm with the IV
I look drugged. Nope, just someone said something funny and I took the picture.

There it is 1 down and 3 to go. I can do this. My self talk was 77% positive as I was entering the office. I am strong, I can handle this. If others have done it, I can do this too. I just kept thinking that. And then, I put my hands into the hands of those wonderful nurses and we talked the 2 1/2 hours. It was my outlet to talk, they knew that and let me talk. Could it be any better than that.